
AI-Powered Presentation

Transform your ideas into professional slides instantly. Create, customize, and present with ease.



Intelligent Content Generation

Automatically creates slide content based on user input, saving time and effort.

Real-Time Preview

Instantly displays generated slides, allowing users to quickly adjust and optimize.

PPT Format Export

Supports exporting generated slides in the widely-used PowerPoint format for easy sharing and editing.

Customizable Input

Users can describe their requirements in detail to ensure the generated slides meet their expectations.

Template Variety

Offers a range of pre-set templates and style options to suit different scenarios and personal preferences.

AI Image Generation

Built-in AI image generation feature automatically creates high-quality visuals for slides based on descriptions, enhancing visual appeal.


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Get 10 generation opportunities per day


  • Free

  • Generate Slides

  • Images Generate

  • Single Style

  • 10 pro pages per month

50% OFF



Get 20 generation opportunities per day


  • Generate Slides

  • Images Generate

  • Exclusive style

  • Multiple Styles

  • 100 pro pages per month

50% OFF



Get 40 generation opportunities per day


  • Generate Slides

  • Images Generate

  • Exclusive style

  • Multiple Styles

  • 200 pro pages per month


Here are some of the most frequently asked questions.

A slide typically refers to a single page or image in a presentation, such as those created with software like Microsoft PowerPoint or Google Slides. Each slide can contain text, images, animations, or other multimedia elements, and a collection of slides is known as a slide deck or presentation

Creating slide can be done in several ways:On the homepage, enter the slide topic or specific content in the text box, click Get Started to jump to the SlidePro page, then click Generate. After waiting a few seconds, you can see the preview.Directly click on SlidePro at the top of the homepage to enter the page, input content, and generate.You can also generate Marp format slides on the MarpSlide page, where you can choose different themes, preview the effect and source code in real-time, and edit the source code simultaneously.

SlidePro can generate more aesthetically pleasing slides. You can select the number of pages to generate on the page, preview after generation, and export as image format.MarpSlide generates slides in Marp format. You can choose different themes, preview in real-time after generation, view and modify the source code, and export as PPT or PDF format.

To generate images:Click on ImageGen at the top of the homepage.On the new page, enter the description of the image in the input box at the bottom of the page.Click the Generate Image button.Wait for a few seconds, and you'll see a preview of the generated image.

When using SlidePro, each page consumes one Credit.When using MarpSlide and ImageGen, each generation consumes one Generation count.

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Transform your ideas into professional content with ease!